Update 1.16.4

Update 1.16.4

1.16.4 is a minor update to Java Edition released on November 2, 2020, which adds the social interactions screen and fixes various bugs. The content of 1.16.4 is identical to its release candidate. While 1.16.4 was not the 1.16.x version, it was the last one before snapshots for 1.17 began.

  • Added an option to hide matched names.
    • Some servers send chat messages in non-standard formats. With this option on, the game will attempt to apply chat hiding anyway by matching the text in messages.
Social Interactions screen
  • Gives players the ability to disable chatting with certain players, thus hiding any messages received from them.
  • Opens with a configurable key binding, by default P.
  • Whether a player is hidden resets when re-joining a server.
  • The status of a player is listed below their name.